3 Easy Kids Emotional Wellness Activities You Can Use Everyday With Your Children

Emotional Wellness skills are critical in our homes to develop healthy thriving kids who solve problems and express themselves. Below are 3 easy ways you can do this each day.

 Feelings Forecast:

Just like you check the weather on your phone each day, check in with your kids. What’s their emotional forecast today? What’s on their weather map? You can use the printable below to identify what they might be feeling, or what type of emotional weather they’d like to experience. Some examples might be, “I woke up happy like a sunny day”, or “Today I’m all twisty inside like a tornado, I’m a little nervous for school.” This opens up opportunities to further explore and work on coping skills if they are experiencing difficult feelings.

Power Poses:

This is a great trick any time you or your kids need a quick confidence boost. Power poses help us feel strong even when we might feel weak. Changing the way we hold our body can change our feelings and mindset temporarily. Before something challenging, step into your best super hero pose. Make sure you hold it for 30 seconds and then go do the thing you need to do!

Here’s an article for adults by James Clear: https://jamesclear.com/body-language-how-to-be-confident

Share gratitudes:

This is so simple you can do it around the dinner table, driving to dance or soccer practice, or during bedtime routine. Even when we have tough days, we can usually find something to be grateful for. Share a few of your own thoughts with your kids and then have them share their own. It could be, “I’m grateful for the friend that invited me to play at recess, the yummy lunch you packed me, and for the way my sister helped me with my chores.”

The more we model emotional wellness skills, the more our kids will develop into healthy humans. Give it a try and let us know how it goes!

What type of activities do you do in your home to develop emotional wellness? Leave them in the comments.

We’d love to hear from you!

3 emotional wellness activities to do with your kids each day featured by WholeKids Emotional Wellness.
3 emotional wellness activities to do with your kids each day featured by WholeKids Emotional Wellness.

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