Emotional Wellness

What is emotional wellness?

The ability to handle life's stressors and adapt to change and difficult times. We believe this involves learning to be emotionally wise through self awareness, using positive communication and social skills, and being able to regulate strong feelings or emotions as they arise.

Why do my kids need this program?

If your kids experience emotions, they need this! Our program focuses on empowerment and early emotional learning in order to prevent future mental health issues. We provide tools at a young age so that kids are able to cope with the challenges they face as problems come their way in life.

Is this a therapy program?

This is not therapy or a substitute for those who need mental health treatment. Our program is created by a mental health therapist but is solely skills based. Many of the skills and tools your child will learn can be taught in a therapy setting, but usually not in the unique and engaging way we present our material. We focus on empowering tools to navigate the particular challenges that kids and teens face throughout their development. Again, while not a replacement for therapy, membership can serve as a preventative mechanism, or as a supplement to therapy your child may be receiving now or in the future.

Who creates the content?

All of our content comes from a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (learn more about her here). She has years of experience in working with kids of all ages and currently serves as the Clinical Director of her own clinic with a staff of more than ten clinicians.

Access & User Experience

How do we access the program?

The ‘Enroll Now!’ buttons on our site link to our “school” on Teachable. Once there you can purchase courses or sign in to access previously purchased courses. You can sign your kids in on a tablet, phone or computer and they’ll be all set to learn these fun, valuable skills and activities. Travel with us as we adventure in new lands and navigate new skills together!

When you sign up you will create your own account and password which you can use to manage your subscription.

Do I need a printer?

We encourage being able to print in order for your child to have the full experience since courses include new printable items every month, such as worksheets, posters, affirmation cards, etc. If you do not have access to a printer your child can still complete many of the worksheets by writing on paper you have. If you are able, we suggest printing all materials prior to viewing the videos.

What if my child doesn’t like doing this or I don’t see any changes? Will you refund?

While most kids are easily engaged with our materials and make positive steps, we understand that not everyone has the same learning style, and we all operate under different circumstances. If you feel that your child is not benefiting from the courses please reach out to us within the first 30 days and we will issue you a full refund. (It can take time to see noticeable change, so if you decide to try the program for up to three months and are still not satisfied, we’re happy to refund you one month’s cost.)

Course Details

What do the courses include?

Mindful Kids Adventures

Each course includes exclusive access to a topic related to social-emotional health and wellness. We provide experiential learning through fun, informative videos, printable posters, worksheets, crafts, affirmation cards, mindfulness activities and bedtime meditations. We also provide a skills challenge to reinforce their learning and a video for parents to introduce the content and give you tips.

Girls Inspired

Each course consists of discussion videos, fun activity sheets and journal prompts to help girls maximize learning and apply skills learned into daily life.

How can I help my child be successful with this program?

Watch the parent video for each course your purchase to see how you can reinforce and practice the material with your child. Incorporate the language used in the lessons and be open to your child’s experiences. This is a great opportunity to connect with your kids each month as you discuss what they learn or feel as they work on the activities. Place the printable quotes and affirmations around the house or in frames to remind them about what they learn.