How to Spot a Toxic Friend

We all want our kids to have good friends.

Friends are essential in life, but sometimes our kids get involved with friends that aren't so good for them. As a parent this can make us feel very uneasy! We want our kids to have amazing friends and learn positive friendship skills because we know who our kids hang out with has a huge impact on their behaviors and choices.

Toxic friends make us feel confused.

We can teach our kids how to spot them because of the yucky or uncomfortable feelings that come up when they are around them. Toxic friends manipulate and try to get us to do things we don’t want to do. They might ask us to lie or fib or even cheat on a test. A toxic friend could be someone who gossips or makes fun of others. Toxic friends could be kids that are easily jealous or even stuck in low moods most of the time.

You can help your kids chose friends that make them feel good about who you are by sharing some of the qualities you appreciate in your own friends.

When have you dealt with a toxic friend in your own life? Comment below.

How to Spot a Toxic Friend, tips featured by top mindfulness for kids and teens experts, WholeKids Emotional Wellness

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